Example of an un-healthy forest.
We are professionals in cutting/pruning trees for health, insects and fire mitigation. We love trees, so we find the balance between wildfire mitigation, forest health, insurance requirements, privacy, views, shade, dust and noise. We are fire fighters with unmatched experience in mitigation for fire.
We are a licensed contractor with the City of Boulder, Wildfire Partners and a contractor for the Colorado State Forest Service.
Free estimates. We have been in business for 45 years, please give us
a call at: 303-444-8420.
Fire Mitigation for your home with multiple defensible zones.
Help with meeting wildfire mitigation requirements from insurance companies.
Plans dealing with Pine beetles and other insects.
Thinning and pruning for forest and tree health.
Slash removal and disposal.
Hazard Tree Removal.
Implementation of a post fire plan including erosion control, tree work, seeding and mulching.
Tree Pruning and Climbing
Emergency Storm Damage Work
Free Estimates!
Trees that are storm or wind damaged, sick, dying, leaning, hitting your house, let us take care of it for you! Take a good look at your trees for dead branches that may break in a storm or heavy snow, it is good to bring these branches down under control instead of catastrophic failure of a branch that is much worse for the tree or what the branch may land on.
Call today to learn what the Boulder Tree Service can do to make your
home more resistant to wildfire and improve the health and beauty of your